Let’s talk about Book Subscription Boxes!

Happy Sunday, everyone!

I hope you’re enjoying the last weekend of 2019 with your beloved family and friends, if not, I hope you’re at least cozying up with a cup of hot chocolate (with tiny marshmallows, YUM), a warm blanket, and a good book! As 2019 is edging closer to an end, I’d love to share some interesting knowledge about something I’ve always wanted/wished/been eyeing for and my job kinda made it possible earlier this year–you guess it–book subscription boxes!

If you’re a booklover or an avid reader like me, then I’m sure the concept of book subsciption boxes isn’t unfamiliar to you. I tried my very first box with Fairyloot back in February this year, and I was so grateful for all the chances to get more in the following months. The overall unboxing experience was quite unforgettable and I’ve got some of my all-time favorite items in these boxes as well.

Therefore, I decided to share the little knowledge I have about book boxes and what they are, how the whole bookish subscription business model works, down to the last details about experiencing the bookish unboxings in this post. I hope you’ll find my post as informative as I aim to let it be and hopefully, you’ll discover some new book box companies throughout the way! Enjoy & happy unboxing! πŸ™‚

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Life Update & Current Reads

life update & current reads

Hey guys!!!

Long time no see!!

How are y’all doing? Can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I last posted something here and I miss the hell out of it. *bawling* You know that feeling when you pick up your hobby-of-life for the first time after abandoning it for a long time? The thrill of sharing what you’re up to with fellow blogger friends, the excitement of waiting for an upcoming release from your favorite author, and the familiarity of being surrounded by your most faithful group of bookish besties? Yep, that’s what I’ve missed in the past few months and I surely want to reconnect with everyone/everything. πŸ˜₯

So please allow me to tell you what’s going on with my life in general and what I’m gonna do about it before my short break’s whisked away not-too-unexpectedly. I’d be updating my current life status and what I plan to read this week in today’s post. Hope you enjoy it! ❀

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Life Update, Book Haul & Twitter Giveaway!

Hello, hello, hello!!!

Long time no see! How are you? Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. πŸ™‚

Gosh, it’s been so long since I last posted something here but hey, at least I’ve got a bunch of stuff–mostly good and exciting–to share with you! In today’s post, I’d let you know what I’ve been up to and why I haven’t been around the blogging or bookish community recently, and then I’m gonna share my massive book haul in 2018 so far, and lastly, there’s a worldwide giveaway hosted on my twitter for those who’re interested in.

So, sit back, relax, and simply enjoy your time here, okay? ❀

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20 Questions Book Tag


Since I’m taking a short break from reality, I decide to do a fun tag which I first saw on Kathy’s Books & Munches with 20 bookish questions. (By the way, please go check out her answers because I love them so much!) Usually, I’d tag a few friends to participate in tags but today, I’m just going to tag whoever’s interested in answering these questions. πŸ™‚

Let’s get started, shall we?

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It’s Monday! What are you ReAdiNG? #2

Good afternoon, guys! πŸ™‚Β 

Apparently it’s been a while since I last posted something casual or basically, something non-blog-tour-ish, so I decided to write my second post for this interesting meme. Besides, I also have some plans in mind regarding my bookish and real life; hence, I’m still contemplating on how to make such announcement.

Anyway, I’ll start today’s post by sharing my current TBR and the books I planned to finish this week and then I’ll be talking about other random stuff. πŸ˜€

Sounds good?

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What’s going on in the book community?

Recently, people in the bookish community have been raving about the rules for requesting ARCs (advanced reader’s copies) onΒ NetGalley and entering giveaways onΒ Goodreads because bigger publishers in the former platform start giving access to U.S. reviewers/bloggers mostly (or other English speaking countries like the U.K., Canada and Australia) and the latter is going to limit their entrants to U.S. residents only.

What about the international readers/people?

Hence, as an international reader myself, I decided to share my opinion on this issue here and hopefully I’ll get to hear yours, too.

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