Blogger Recognition Award!

Huge thanks to my dearest friend, Emily (GO CHECK HER LOVELY BLOG OUT!!), for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award! She’s also the author of my most favorite book this year, Letters to Eloise (my review HERE), so if you haven’t already added it to your TBR, please do! Anyway, I’m more than pleased to write this post and share some of my blogging stories with you all. 🙂

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How did I start my blog?

Hmm, it all began when I first cultivated the habit of reading two years ago–May, 2015, to be exact–thanks to Susan Ee’s Penryn & the End of Days trilogy; it was also the time I realized how amazing Goodreads was so I started keeping track of what I was reading, what others were reading and sharing my reviews there. Then one day, I saw someone’s WordPress blog by chance and I fell in love with everything about it. I mean, literally EVERY. SINGLE. FEATURE. on her blog, so I got inspired and decided to run my own. 😛

At first I found it really hard to build a blog because there were various themes, widgets and layouts and I had difficulties choosing THE ONE I loved. That’s why I still change my theme on a regular basis. LOL It’s so much fun trying other themes out, though rearranging my sidebar isn’t that interesting. Anyway, I discovered a whole new bookish world by starting this blog and I pretty much enjoyed posting all kinds of posts or taking part in blog tours/cover blitz/memes. 🙂


2 pieces of advice for new bloggers:

1) Don’t be shy and TALK to other bloggers!

As a new blogger, it’s always exciting to let people know your existence in the blogsphere, so I strongly suggest you explore others’ blogs on the WordPress dashboard (Up left of your page, where it says “Reader” and you click on the “Discover” section), check out their posts, give them a LIKE or leave a comment…etc, believe me, your little interaction is going to make their day! Most of them will reciprocate and you’ll make friends through the process. 😀

2) Make blogging a habit.

I’ve always admired those bloggers who have a blog schedule every month because that makes them very active on not only their blogs, but also their social media accounts. If you could make blogging a habit, you wouldn’t find excuses whenever you’re too lazy to write a blog post (trust me, laziness is inevitable, especially when you run out of stuff to post). I admit I haven’t mastered the entire blogging thing…yet, but I personally think mapping out your own blog schedule will certainly help you get motivated. *fingers crossed*


Woohoo, it’s finally time to spread some awesomeness of these bloggers…

  1. Alex from Whimsy Pages
  2. Norah from Bookish Fever
  3. Stephanie from Teacher of YA
  4. Joanne from In Case of Bookishness
  5. Audrey from Audrey Writes Abroad
  6. Delphine from Delphine the Babbler
  7. Jill from Jill Jemmett
  8. Laurie from A Court of Books Web
  9. Gretchen from Chicnerd Reads
  10. Daniella from Reading with Daniella
  11. Ruby from Ruby Rae Reads
  12. Marwa from Adore A Book
  13. Rain from The Withering
  14. Imane from Booksaccino
  15. Kate from Reading Through Infinity

There are way too many wonderful bloggers out there whom I want to nominate and shout out to but the above are the ones I feel closer to and love stopping by from time to time. 🙂 I look forward to your posts on this award, lovelies! ❤ Feel free to skip if you don’t feel like writing a post; I won’t be offended! 😉

Lastly, thanks again to Emily for thinking of me when writing your award post! You’re a gem! ❤ ❤ ❤

22 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award!


    Thanks for nominating me! YOU. ARE. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! ❤ Or….or….as lovely Sophie @ Blame Chocolate says, ‘YOU ABSOLUTELY ROCK MY SOCKS!’ 😂😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My god, thank you so much for nominating me Jasmine!!! I feel so little compared to all those blogs (most of them I already follow)
    Thank you thank you thank you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yesssss love your advice!!! i definitely think it’s important to interact with other bloggers and try to keep the blog alive. i am so happy that you started blogging through inspiration. i still need to read penryn!! i have it on my TBR!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Absolutely loved reading about how your blog got started hun! ❤
    I totally agree with your advice. Communication and participation in the blogosphere is so important for gaining attention to one's own blog!!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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